Jordy Dix

Online Coach

Welcome to Fit with Jordy Dix

Personalized online one-to-one coaching, accessible from anywhere in the world.


Track your progress directly through the app. Keep track of your sleep, steps, body-weight, and progress photos. Weekly, we will review how well the plan is working for you, celebrating wins, and discussing what can be done the following week to make rapid progress. I want to make sure you are enjoying the plan, because what you enjoy – you repeat. 


24/7 support via WhatsApp, helping and guiding you along your journey. Accountability to ensure you stay consistent and help along the way to create healthy habits. As a coach it is important to me that you can reach out with any questions you may have.


Custom workout plans with monthly updates from me to ensure your plan is right for you, while still making sure rapid progress towards your goals. Offering beginner, intermediate and advanced programs, where we implement frequent plan updates to make sure you are hitting your goals. You get to see demonstration videos and workout tutorials to understand what exercises you are going through. Easy workout tracker to see how you progress through the program.


Sustainable custom meal plans, helping you achieve your goals while enjoying tasty meals. All sorts of recipes and endless meal variations for vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten-free or lactose-free options, with all allergy considerations. Easy to follow instructions and pictures in order to cook the recipes. 

Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says “I’m possible”


Jordy Dix

As a coach, I always believe that you can always do more, accomplish more, and be positive when trying to achieve any goal. Focusing on mindset, discipline, and the why behind your goals is the best way to stay motivated towards achieving anything you set your mind to.

All I want to do is to help women all around the world get strong, feel confident, and look their best while still enjoying foods they love. I want to create the ultimate environment for females to transform and achieve their happiest, healthiest and most confident versions of themselves.

Fall in love with the process of becoming the healthiest, happiest, most confident version of yourself